WEBVTT 1 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:00:03.089 --> 00:00:17.189 And I'd like to welcome Nancy Dryden, uh, 1 of our libraries from our Stanford campus, who is next up on the, our presentation extravaganza. So, Nancy, please take it away. 2 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:00:18.989 --> 00:00:23.130 Thank you. Thanks so much. Thank you. Welcome everybody. 3 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:00:23.130 --> 00:00:28.530 Um, I'm just going to do a short thing and how to use the general library search. 4 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:00:28.530 --> 00:00:36.420 I'm going to assume you don't know that much. So please forgive me for assuming that because I'm sure you do know. 5 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:00:36.420 --> 00:00:46.080 Us quite a few things I'm going to share my screen cause I'm gonna start with the PowerPoint and then it's gonna be only 3 slides and then I'll be going to the live. Um. 6 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:00:46.080 --> 00:00:59.700 Searching okay, so, um. 7 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:01:01.770 --> 00:01:09.330 What we're going to cover today is I'm going to talk about what's included in library search how to search for particular titles. 8 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:01:09.330 --> 00:01:14.310 How to search on a topic how to access the content. 9 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:01:14.310 --> 00:01:17.340 How to request books from other libraries. 10 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:01:17.340 --> 00:01:23.550 Um, some searching tips and tricks and things like live items to Europe. 11 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:01:23.550 --> 00:01:30.630 You know, your account, your library count and how to find some videos um, mostly streaming video. 12 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:01:32.490 --> 00:01:39.630 So, what's included in library? General search is actually the vast majority of our content. 13 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:01:39.630 --> 00:01:43.830 Um, including our library catalog items, of course, to to her books. 14 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:01:43.830 --> 00:01:50.850 Of eBooks, video scores, Docs, dissertations reference entries. 15 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:01:50.850 --> 00:01:56.760 Um, et cetera, and nearly all our database content, but. 16 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:01:56.760 --> 00:02:05.880 There I think the only things missing or some, some business databases that are not in here. So it's really the, you know, the vast majority of our content. 17 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:02:10.560 --> 00:02:18.330 So, um, we're gonna start at the library home page and she, and you all know about this. I always tell my students to bookmark this on their laptops. 18 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:02:18.330 --> 00:02:22.590 Well, I believe that you can't get it to you as we have. 19 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:02:22.590 --> 00:02:31.530 A search box, right on the homepage. We also have a link to advanced search, which I'm going to confess that I really, really use. 20 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:02:31.530 --> 00:02:37.740 Um, but I also do you want to tell you that you, you don't need to search on this page if you hit the search. 21 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:02:37.740 --> 00:02:41.760 Button it will take, you. 22 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:02:41.760 --> 00:02:48.990 Discovery tool, and this is helpful because you might find some information, um. 23 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:02:48.990 --> 00:02:52.890 Search tips and et cetera that we wanna use. 24 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:02:54.420 --> 00:02:57.780 So, I'm going to start out with high 5 particular titles. 25 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:02:57.780 --> 00:03:06.330 It's going to default to searching in the articles and the library catalog and you could, um. 26 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:03:06.330 --> 00:03:12.480 You know, change that if you like, so if I know a book title, I can just put it in. 27 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:03:18.540 --> 00:03:23.520 So, I'm going to just search the room of one's own. 28 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:03:26.640 --> 00:03:30.780 Without doing any, um, fine, I'm going to get a different. 29 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:03:30.780 --> 00:03:34.230 Sources, so it says Journal book. 30 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:03:34.230 --> 00:03:39.150 And sometimes you get articles, so I'm not finding the actual book I want. 31 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:03:39.150 --> 00:03:47.340 Until I get down to number 5, and then it's going to tell us 6 versions of this resource. And as we know this is a classic that's going to be. 32 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:03:47.340 --> 00:03:50.670 I think we have different additions. 33 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:03:50.670 --> 00:03:54.330 More formats, um, so. 34 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:03:54.330 --> 00:04:01.410 This is telling me that we have the 1st 1 here is an E book from 2020. 35 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:04:01.410 --> 00:04:07.020 And then when it says not available, it usually means that it's out to somebody. 36 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:04:07.555 --> 00:04:22.375 And then the print books are going to say available at a certain library stacks. And as you probably aware, it's going to give the different campuses. Um, except, except for, um, baggage or archives. 37 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:04:22.405 --> 00:04:33.985 They're just going to assume the students know that. That's it stores. So this is kind of something I've been fighting for a while I want them to, because I have to tell my students they don't know where babesh library is. 38 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:04:35.639 --> 00:04:39.149 Um, so if I add, um. 39 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:04:39.149 --> 00:04:46.229 Say that the author's name or last name I can get, I can get quicker to the broker. I'm looking for. 40 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:04:48.719 --> 00:04:52.019 And so you see that it pops to number 1. 41 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:04:53.969 --> 00:04:58.049 Um, looking at it. 42 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:04:58.049 --> 00:05:02.669 So, as I said, when it says online access, that means it's an ebook. 43 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:05:02.669 --> 00:05:07.079 You can click either on the title, or on the online. 44 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:05:07.079 --> 00:05:11.369 Record this is how you get to actually access. 45 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:05:11.369 --> 00:05:21.779 To the source that we have the full text, and we have our full text content and many different ebook packages or publishers. 46 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:05:21.779 --> 00:05:27.029 Sites or databases, and so the students can click on this to get to. 47 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:05:27.029 --> 00:05:32.309 Uh, the forecast, but I also tell my students is that. 48 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:05:32.309 --> 00:05:35.759 Okay. 49 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:05:35.759 --> 00:05:40.079 There's going to be different ways to. 50 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:05:40.079 --> 00:05:44.969 Get to full text, because it's different, um, publishers, but. 51 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:05:44.969 --> 00:05:52.829 A lot of times you can get to the different to the table of contents and see a PDF link for each chapter. 52 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:05:52.829 --> 00:06:00.179 So, often, when they're doing research, they're not reading a whole book then just need a chapter or section. So they don't they can download just the chapter they want. 53 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:06:02.099 --> 00:06:09.329 So, when I found something that I'm interested in, I could use this little pin button to put it into my favorites folder. 54 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:06:09.329 --> 00:06:12.899 So, he's going to pop a few things in there. 55 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:06:12.899 --> 00:06:19.619 Um, and this is the sign up here is for your library account. 56 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:06:19.619 --> 00:06:31.979 This is the account you use it if you checked out a book, you want to renew it. This is the same account. You tell the students do not have to create any account. Your net ID is the gives you an account. 57 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:06:31.979 --> 00:06:35.339 So, when you click on this sign in, it'll just ask you. 58 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:06:35.339 --> 00:06:38.459 Your neck. 59 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:06:42.419 --> 00:06:46.169 Get them later. 60 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:06:46.169 --> 00:06:49.859 So, once I signed in those items will. 61 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:06:51.299 --> 00:07:00.179 Will show up in my favorite folder. Okay. 62 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:07:00.179 --> 00:07:04.529 That was the topic. 63 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:07:04.529 --> 00:07:08.429 So, we still. 64 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:07:08.429 --> 00:07:12.539 Searching so, for something like. 65 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:07:12.539 --> 00:07:21.179 Nutrition and genetics, you do not need to use the boolean logic terms the, and. 66 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:07:21.179 --> 00:07:27.539 It'll do that automatically. Okay. 67 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:07:27.539 --> 00:07:31.469 We get over 330,000 hits because all the. 68 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:07:31.469 --> 00:07:36.749 Resource types obviously are showing up, um, before you, um. 69 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:07:36.749 --> 00:07:40.529 Narrow the deck refine the limits on the left. 70 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:07:40.529 --> 00:07:46.679 And so I always tell students that something like this is too large to be using articles really? 71 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:07:46.679 --> 00:07:53.729 And so I like to limit my results to books. I usually like to start start finding books. 72 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:07:53.729 --> 00:08:00.059 Okay, so this gets me down to 500 results. 73 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:08:00.059 --> 00:08:06.869 Um, I always tell students to look at the dates, especially it's important when you're doing research. 74 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:08:06.869 --> 00:08:12.509 You don't want to use a book from 963 especially if it's a current topic. 75 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:08:12.509 --> 00:08:27.299 Um. 76 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:08:27.299 --> 00:08:30.449 I like to click on the title again. Okay. 77 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:08:30.449 --> 00:08:33.539 Access to the full text in it. 78 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:08:33.539 --> 00:08:38.369 Yeah, because there's going to be a ton of information no matter if it's a book or an article. 79 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:08:38.369 --> 00:08:42.479 Um, just describing that item, decide getting to the table. 80 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:08:42.479 --> 00:08:47.009 Contents deciding if you're interested in, um, it's. 81 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:08:47.009 --> 00:08:52.469 I can show you. 82 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:08:52.469 --> 00:08:59.159 Can see the different sections and select PDF from just the chapter that you want. 83 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:09:00.299 --> 00:09:05.039 So, again, I can put that into my folder from this page as well as the front page. 84 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:09:05.039 --> 00:09:10.229 We also had these tools for what you can do with the citation. 85 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:09:10.229 --> 00:09:16.439 I usually have my students create account and have them send their items to works. 86 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:09:16.439 --> 00:09:19.739 Um, you can get citations from here. 87 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:09:20.999 --> 00:09:28.499 And they need to be proofread, obviously, but you could copy and paste this into a worksite document. 88 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:09:28.499 --> 00:09:32.399 Well, I mean, you can export these to other places as well. 89 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:09:32.399 --> 00:09:35.699 Hi. 90 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:09:35.699 --> 00:09:40.229 Favorites folder, you could do all these things you. 91 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:09:40.229 --> 00:09:44.819 Bulk so I have the students, um, select. 92 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:09:44.819 --> 00:09:48.149 The items and then use this very, very. 93 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:09:48.149 --> 00:09:52.589 Kind of him pushed 2 actions button to do all all those items. 94 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:09:52.589 --> 00:10:01.499 Those functions, um, so. 95 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:10:01.499 --> 00:10:04.559 Books. 96 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:10:04.559 --> 00:10:07.799 Um, it's. 97 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:10:07.799 --> 00:10:13.079 From other libraries, and they have to be signed. 98 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:10:13.079 --> 00:10:17.579 Again, before they'll see this request from you, so. 99 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:10:17.579 --> 00:10:29.489 If you've gotten to this point, and you have not done that sign in, it'll give you a, um, a prompt to sign in. And then you see the requests from UConn button and so on that. 100 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:10:29.489 --> 00:10:33.809 You're not using our my. 101 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:10:33.809 --> 00:10:40.349 Um, program to get it all you need to tell them is where are you going to get to pick up. 102 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:10:40.349 --> 00:10:49.799 I don't think extended request, then students get an email that says it's arrived and they can pick it up with their own ID card to check it out. 103 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:10:51.959 --> 00:10:56.819 Um, just do that. They look. 104 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:10:56.819 --> 00:11:01.229 At the, um. 105 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:11:01.229 --> 00:11:05.219 Or the key words that are in. 106 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:11:05.219 --> 00:11:08.309 Okay, sorry? 107 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:11:08.309 --> 00:11:11.819 Hello, thank you. Bye. Um. 108 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:11:11.819 --> 00:11:16.679 New term genetics I found that term when I, when I was looking at that book. 109 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:11:16.679 --> 00:11:21.959 Um, oh, and then maybe I want to. 110 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:11:21.959 --> 00:11:25.259 Search for article called disease. 111 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:11:25.259 --> 00:11:28.439 A little more focused. 112 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:11:29.909 --> 00:11:34.619 When I do under search, it takes off like, books. 113 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:11:34.619 --> 00:11:38.189 Once I do any search, it's taken out. 114 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:11:38.189 --> 00:11:42.269 Laughs. 115 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:11:44.579 --> 00:11:50.579 For my next search, I have to click on remember all filters. 116 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:11:56.129 --> 00:12:06.059 So we talked about so, okay for so the articles you're going to find full texts for every article that's in here. And of course, you can just click on full text available, download. 117 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:12:06.059 --> 00:12:09.689 Yeah. 118 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:12:11.519 --> 00:12:17.489 By the way to the full text, which we have in 2 separate places. 119 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:12:26.399 --> 00:12:33.749 Any questions about doing that basic searching. 120 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:12:38.609 --> 00:12:44.429 So, we do have a question, uh, yeah, from the group. Um, and. 121 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:12:44.429 --> 00:12:48.899 And was asking is your favorites folder tied to your net ID? 122 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:12:50.699 --> 00:12:56.309 Yes, okay. I thought so. But yeah. Figured it would be it it's your library account. 123 "Ann Buchanan" (793402112) 00:12:56.309 --> 00:13:01.139 Yeah, so can I just like clarify real quick. 124 "Ann Buchanan" (793402112) 00:13:01.139 --> 00:13:04.709 Does that mean that it lives? Um, can you hear me. 125 "Ann Buchanan" (793402112) 00:13:05.789 --> 00:13:16.289 I can okay. Does it mean that it lives? Like, you could be working on a favorites list over the course of a few days, and it will stay there. You can return back to that same thing. 126 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:13:16.289 --> 00:13:22.739 If you signed in okay yes, because you can add things to your folder. 127 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:13:22.739 --> 00:13:28.199 You can add things to your folder without being signed in. You'll go away when you go off that browser. 128 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:13:28.199 --> 00:13:33.869 Right. So yes, but it's connected to your library, um. 129 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:13:35.549 --> 00:13:40.079 I can show that front of this homepage where it says my accounts. 130 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:13:40.079 --> 00:13:46.109 You see that this is my library account. 131 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:13:46.109 --> 00:13:49.799 And so this is the same thing where I can see. 132 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:13:49.799 --> 00:13:54.749 Things I have checked out and that's where I could renew it. 133 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:13:54.749 --> 00:14:02.429 Or if I make requests, but it does folder is still going to be up here. 134 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:14:04.769 --> 00:14:15.179 Thank you. Good question. All right so some searching tips and tricks you want to use quotation marks like. 135 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:14:15.179 --> 00:14:18.719 Can every database for exact phrase matches? 136 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:14:18.719 --> 00:14:22.679 Um, yeah. 137 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:14:22.679 --> 00:14:26.249 Oh, Gee is quite a change. 138 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:14:26.249 --> 00:14:30.839 Um, and if I start, right, I'll get some results. 139 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:14:33.809 --> 00:14:38.099 Um, sometimes students use that inappropriately site. 140 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:14:38.099 --> 00:14:43.139 You have to understand that it's actually a phrase that you want to keep those terms together. 141 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:14:43.139 --> 00:14:49.559 You can use the asterisk wild card in place of 1 or more characters. 142 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:14:49.559 --> 00:14:52.949 So, if you do child, um. 143 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:14:55.619 --> 00:15:01.619 Then you're going to get results for a child and children job, like child. 144 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:15:01.619 --> 00:15:05.339 Good experience your searches. 145 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:15:05.339 --> 00:15:10.109 This is for something like adolescent and adolescence. 146 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:15:10.109 --> 00:15:20.009 Use that sometimes also what you can do from here is over here on the left, it's going to default by. 147 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:15:20.009 --> 00:15:27.749 Sorting by relevance, but if you want to keep things to the pop to the top, that are more current. 148 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:15:29.069 --> 00:15:32.939 Then you can, um, sort it by date newest. 149 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:15:32.939 --> 00:15:42.749 Hello. 150 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:15:42.749 --> 00:15:54.029 This is not a good example of. 151 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:15:54.029 --> 00:15:54.624 About that 152 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:16:17.994 --> 00:16:19.794 it's not working for me so. 153 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:16:20.099 --> 00:16:30.839 I apologize I have no idea why that's happening. If anyone else on the call understands. I don't know. 154 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:16:33.089 --> 00:16:36.539 Sorry to talk about library so. 155 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:16:36.539 --> 00:16:41.129 I just want to talk a little bit about streaming about videos. 156 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:16:41.129 --> 00:16:49.769 Um, so we have at the top of the page, so feature resources. So it's a different couple different ways where you can find videos. 157 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:16:52.349 --> 00:16:55.349 I can shoot me resource just. 158 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:16:58.109 --> 00:17:03.329 And is you can't libraries training videos collection. 159 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:17:05.309 --> 00:17:11.069 So oh, I could search here by, uh, um, say Virginia Woolf. 160 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:17:16.439 --> 00:17:21.149 And we have, um, 8 different videos. 161 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:17:22.589 --> 00:17:26.129 And so I can. 162 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:17:26.129 --> 00:17:30.239 Get into the record and just. 163 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:17:30.239 --> 00:17:35.489 Find more out about this item. How long it is what it's about. 164 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:17:35.489 --> 00:17:41.369 Et cetera, and then just, it's just left, like our, um. 165 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:17:42.689 --> 00:17:46.529 Sorry. 166 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:17:56.129 --> 00:18:00.269 So, awesome, uh, topic, like women. 167 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:18:00.269 --> 00:18:08.249 And labor, we have 150. 168 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:18:08.249 --> 00:18:11.729 That have those, uh, somewhere in there here. 169 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:18:11.729 --> 00:18:15.569 Um, identify. 170 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:18:15.569 --> 00:18:29.279 1, and then we could go back to the catalog and you can search for videos from our, um, the regular catalog. 171 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:18:29.279 --> 00:18:34.379 So, if I knew a title, I could search, um, the title. 172 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:18:42.599 --> 00:18:46.379 And again, you want for titles it's good to put them in quotation marks. 173 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:18:46.379 --> 00:18:49.499 And then you can just put the key words streaming. 174 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:18:58.559 --> 00:19:01.769 It comes that that video. 175 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:19:01.769 --> 00:19:09.539 Another way to find videos is to search the topic that you're looking for. 176 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:19:09.539 --> 00:19:15.269 Any refinements at 1st and then when you have your debrief. 177 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:19:15.269 --> 00:19:19.859 Can you can click on show more to get more. 178 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:19:19.859 --> 00:19:23.039 There's a lot of them. 179 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:19:23.039 --> 00:19:27.239 And then find the video recordings. 180 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:19:28.979 --> 00:19:34.019 Not only streaming, but. 181 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:19:34.019 --> 00:19:37.769 Um, that we have in our collections. 182 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:19:37.769 --> 00:19:44.849 So, when it says available at a certain libraries stacks, that's going to mean that it's in. 183 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:19:47.549 --> 00:19:56.699 So, you could request these from stores or from any of the regional campuses. We do. Um, let lent out our DVDs around the campus. 184 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:19:58.889 --> 00:20:04.319 If you wanted to get rid of those DVDs and and look at the streaming. 185 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:20:04.319 --> 00:20:07.769 Then you can click full text. 186 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:20:09.029 --> 00:20:12.629 The streaming videos. 187 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:20:12.629 --> 00:20:20.159 On women and Labor day. 188 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:20:20.159 --> 00:20:24.329 And a string of copy, there's an example of that, this. 189 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:20:24.329 --> 00:20:34.949 Here you go towards, um. 190 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:20:36.149 --> 00:20:39.899 So only only thing we talk about. 191 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:20:39.899 --> 00:20:46.349 This Journal search up at the top, you can also get to this from our home page. 192 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:20:48.869 --> 00:20:54.269 Find you can click on Journal storage and this is where I. 193 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:20:54.269 --> 00:21:01.139 We have full text access to any title than what years we have. 194 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:21:01.944 --> 00:21:16.764 So so here I can see that there's 195 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:21:16.764 --> 00:21:20.874 some print copies still in some libraries, but we also have. 196 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:21:21.624 --> 00:21:22.554 Some online, 197 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:21:37.614 --> 00:21:38.574 but it's important to look at. 198 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:21:39.089 --> 00:21:46.019 Date, but this 1, I was looking for an article that somebody had linked and I couldn't get to the full text. Yes. 199 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:21:46.019 --> 00:21:56.669 Somebody LinkedIn in our Slack and so I went here to find the Yukon copy of it through, through academics. Just get that most recent. 200 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:21:58.049 --> 00:22:01.799 Okay. 201 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:22:11.939 --> 00:22:24.269 Are there any questions? Sorry you kind of cut out a little bit there last couple of minutes, Nancy if you wouldn't mind, uh, that last little bit. 202 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:22:24.269 --> 00:22:30.209 Sure, so I was talking about the journal surging. Is that what you missed? 203 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:22:31.799 --> 00:22:35.819 Yeah, just the tail end of that. Okay. 204 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:22:35.819 --> 00:22:39.809 So, as I said, you can from the catalog is a journal search button. 205 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:22:39.809 --> 00:22:44.699 And then Journal search. 206 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:22:46.019 --> 00:22:55.589 In the title. 207 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:22:55.589 --> 00:22:58.889 The year that you're looking for. 208 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:22:58.889 --> 00:23:02.309 More time, period, um. 209 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:23:02.309 --> 00:23:09.959 You are that, uh. 210 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:23:09.959 --> 00:23:14.729 I was looking for a most current article that somebody had linked. 211 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:23:14.729 --> 00:23:20.549 So, I knew that academics premier would not have that protocol available. And so I have it. 212 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:23:20.549 --> 00:23:25.439 Hello. 213 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:23:25.439 --> 00:23:29.279 And that very nicely brought me to the web. 214 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:23:29.279 --> 00:23:39.809 I think this is what we were worried about. 215 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:23:40.434 --> 00:23:53.934 Somebody's so, um, we get a lot lot of questions and chat from your students about, um, you know, 216 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:23:53.934 --> 00:23:57.084 how to find information on topics and. 217 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:23:57.419 --> 00:24:03.989 This is a good place for them to start as long as they can use the refinements on the left hand side because sometimes. 218 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:24:03.989 --> 00:24:07.679 They start out broadly and then get way too much stuff. 219 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:24:07.679 --> 00:24:15.809 So, encourage them to narrow down by books maybe even by reference entries, if you want to get some kind of basic article. 220 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:24:15.809 --> 00:24:18.869 Um, about something, they don't know something about. 221 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:24:19.919 --> 00:24:24.659 So, it's kind of, um, hard to. 222 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:24:25.859 --> 00:24:32.939 To scroll through a lot of different things of different format types to find what you're looking for. 223 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:24:41.729 --> 00:24:46.319 Any any questions we can give you a long break. 224 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:24:52.739 --> 00:24:58.199 Yeah, I just had 1 quick question, Nancy. Um, I was just thinking, so. 225 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:24:58.199 --> 00:25:06.509 When any librarian is working with a student, when do you think is the best. 226 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:25:06.509 --> 00:25:10.079 I'm to, like, jump out with the general search. 227 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:25:11.999 --> 00:25:18.569 Versus looking at, like, looking versus looking at more like subject, specific databases and stuff like that. 228 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:25:19.829 --> 00:25:23.459 Yeah, I mean. 229 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:25:23.459 --> 00:25:27.869 I think it's a good place to start when they don't know how they want to focus. 230 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:25:27.869 --> 00:25:33.839 I think going to academic search, premiere or info, or something like that. 231 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:25:33.839 --> 00:25:38.519 It's helpful to have a little more idea of how they're focusing. 232 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:25:38.519 --> 00:25:41.579 So, I think it is a good place. 233 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:25:41.579 --> 00:25:46.829 To start and then, you know, encourage them to. 234 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:25:46.829 --> 00:25:55.709 Start broad, you know, do some reading and then go back to the catalog to do more. 235 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:25:55.709 --> 00:26:00.119 Targeted searching Wednesday. 236 "Nancy Dryden" (3515003136) 00:26:00.119 --> 00:26:06.119 You know, learn a little bit about the topic, or no really want to focus. 237 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:26:08.609 --> 00:26:12.719 Awesome. Thank you very much. Yeah, we've got a couple of things. 238 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:26:13.044 --> 00:26:26.574 Yeah, and also oh, go ahead, correct, correct. Academic search premier anytime, because we have so much full text content in there for articles. It's a really good point. Yeah. So, um, does anybody have any additional questions? 239 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:26:26.574 --> 00:26:28.704 We got a couple of minutes left in this session. 240 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:26:30.119 --> 00:26:33.689 Feel free to either write it in the chat or jump off. Mike. 241 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:26:42.594 --> 00:26:57.024 Okay, so I'll take it that there aren't any questions right now if you guys do think of anything later on, um, I can definitely pass any questions often, Nancy, or we can, uh, uh, generate answers. Um, Kelsey, and I can generate the answers but, um. 242 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:26:57.539 --> 00:27:08.729 Want to take a moment to thank Nancy for joining us today. Really? Appreciated. Great presentation. Um, yeah, thank you very much. All right. Thank you. Everyone for joining. 243 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:27:08.754 --> 00:27:18.384 Like today okay, we'll go ahead and step off for a little bit longer break this time. So we'll have about 8 minutes. 244 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:27:18.744 --> 00:27:30.834 Um, and then we'll come back at 1030 for our next session, which is, uh, 1 of our librarians. Roslyn grantee will be, uh, looking at strategies for searching the library databases. databases 245 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:27:31.079 --> 00:27:34.529 So everyone to enjoy your break.